Saturday, October 23, 2010

Capturing Your: Heart


This past September when I was visiting L.A, I was able to make some time for a photo shoot with some friends I met 4 years ago during my child prep class when I was pregnant with Travis (wow, that was a long sentence). This is my second time that I’ve been able to take pictures of these beautiful girls, except now they are much bigger and even more beautiful! Our kids were both born within days of each other so I am definitely familiar with this age and their interests. We took our pictures just minutes from where Chad and I lived prior to moving, where we got engaged and where we use to ride out bikes…so familiarity was all around me and so was a sense of home. I just love visiting with friends, seeing how much their lives have changed, watching their kids grow and seeing the beauty of their family and their unique connection. Even though we live in different states, I love that no distance can break the bond of going through a pregnancy together, watching our kids grow up and continuing the journey together, through distance…and Facebook :) Thank you Dave and Sheila for letting me be a part of your Saturday morning and your photo album!

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