Sunday, October 24, 2010

Capturing Your: Flavor


Chocolate. A smell that permeated our house for 4 hours. Four torturous hours. I came across a dessert recipe in my slow cooking cookbook the other day and was determined to try it out. It was DE-Licious! After making this for the first time, I’ve determined that the agony of waiting can be minimized by baking it in the oven. I am not exactly sure the correct amount of the time needed in the oven, but based on the size and amount, I’d put it in for at 30 minutes at 375F and check it periodically thereafter. Here is the recipe for Chocolate Croissant Pudding:

1.5 C milk, 3 eggs, 1/2 C sugar, 1/4 C unsweetened cocoa powder, 1/2 tsp vanilla, 1/4 tps salt, 3 plain croissants cut into 1” pieces, 1/2 C chocolate chips (I added more) and 3/4 whipped cream (optional)

Beat milk, eggs, sugar, cocao, vanilla and salt in medium bowl.

Grease 1 quart casserole. Layer half the croissants, chocolate chips and half the egg mixture in casserole. Repeat layers with remaining croissants and egg mixture…but I would recommend eyeing the amount of remaining mixture because adding too much may make it soggy. One thing that I also added that was not listed was Dark Chocolate covered pomegranate from Costco. OH MY WORD…that took it to a whole ‘nother level! Again, I would watch the timer after 30 minutes in the oven.


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