What a difference a year makes…especially with little youngsters! You may recognize Brady and Brooke from my very first photo shoots….I had the privilege of taking their family pictures and birthday pictures last year. They both had such baby faces and Brooke had very little hair :) We went from shaking rattles and bribing them to smile with candy to super photogenic and cooperative….with just a little bit of bribery ;) But despite the number of inches they’ve grown, one thing that continues to remain strong, is their brother and sister bond. If you recall, these two are just 11 months a part and Brooke was present for Brady’s first birthday (all you moms are saying….holy cow…yes…holy cow and big applause for Marti and Jeff for surviving those tough nights). Brooke and Brady are best friends, partners in crime, each other’s ally and also each other’s toy threat….hehe…just like all siblings! I am so grateful for this opportunity to share once again with this beautiful family, especially since their encouragement and support really launched my confidence and drive to pursue my hobby. If anyone family has witnessed all the changes in my business, it would be them. I am honored that they would continue to support me and join me a long the ride as I continue to pursue my hobby. Thanks again Jeff, Marti, Brady and Brooke! Happy 4th and 3rd Birthday!
Friday, July 30, 2010
After some much need R&R for the month, a little vacation in the mountains, and a few good books to refresh me, blogging will now resume to it’s “regular” schedule. I have so needed a break from “work” and really just need some time JUST to spend with my boys and husband…no pictures to edit, to photo shoots scheduled, nothing but free time. August will thrust me right back into work…with so many photo shoots schedule that I am really excited about. I did break my “no photo shoot” for the month of July….but this was one that was very special and dear to my heart. My little guy turned 2 years old this past Thursday and mommy HAD to get pictures. We were enjoying a little get away to the Black Hills and I couldn’t resist the beauty. I’ll post more on that later, but for now, enjoy this little sneak peek!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
I know I’ve been M.I.A. It’s intentional. I am enjoying summer…with my kids…with my family….and away from the computer. Technology is such a curse and a blessing. Right now, I am in the curse mode. I will eventually get back on track, but for now, I am going to indulge myself in pure laziness and enjoy these precious days with my family. I hope that you too are enjoying your summer.
Monday, July 19, 2010
7 Years
We met on an airplane. As he was taking his seat, he walked past me and gave me a smile. I remember what I was wearing…a black tank top and khaki shorts. I smelled like sunscreen and I looked like a Mexican raccoon with the worst sunburn ever. A sunburn that wouldn’t fade for 4 months. He was wearing a white t shirt, khaki cargo shorts and a baseball cap. There was a lot of commotion going on in the airplane since it was a connecting flight from Puerto Vallarta (Much easier to spell than pronounce…my boss had to phonetically spell it out since my Spanish is horrible….Pooh-wear-toe Va-Yar-ta) in Phoenix back to L.A. But I used that commotion in my favor to start the conversation and ask if he was returning from Puerto Vallarta too?!? He wasn’t…he was in Phoenix for the weekend, visiting an old college friend. I quickly introduced Richard, my BROTHER ( I had to make that very clear since people kept on assuming that we were a couple…ew…no offense Rich) and for the next hour, our conversation flowed so smoothly and naturally. I was hooked. I did something I’ve never done before…write my name on my plane ticket and handed it to him. I’ve never initiated relationships with my number, but for some reason, confidence overwhelmed me. I walked off the airplane super GIDDY and so excited about the person I just met. I couldn’t sleep that night, but not because I was nervous, but super anxious because I knew that that was the beginning of many amazing conversations…..and a future together. And that was the beginning of many conversations since our initial visit in June 2001. Just two short years later, we walked down the aisle again….but this time to say “I do” in front of God, our family and our friends. Seven years later, we are a family of 4, with two beautiful boys, a wonderful family, new and old friends, and a very rich and blessed life. Not everyday is as magical as the day we me but I am so thrilled that I have an amazing husband to share the not so amazing days with. We are in this together, through the good, bad and ugly. Never thought I would meet my best friend and husband on an airplane, but God had the perfect romantic story created just for us….and I couldn’t have planned it any better. Happy 7th anniversary Chad! I feel so blessed to have such a beautiful family!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Monday, July 5, 2010
Capturing Your: Heart
Hot and muggy was the forecast for this photo shoot. It seriously felt like we were in Florida…getting bit by mosquitoes and sweating like crazy. However, it will not be evident in these pictures. They were completely unfazed and made the most of their time. Typically I have to “coach” a bit in front of the camera, but for them it totally came naturally. They were so playful and I could tell that they enjoyed the simple pleasure of spending time together….whether it was tickling, playing peek a boo, blowing bubbles, or giving Eskimo kisses! Their laughter was contagious and their affection genuine.
Bethany and Andy have been together since high school and now have two beautiful children, big brother Cooper and cutie pie Norah. I discovered that Cooper LOVES super Heroes….and even brought his Superman shirt and cape! He wasn’t shy the least bit to pose like Superman and happily demonstrated a few stunts for me… like “flying” through the sky. Even more precious was how much Norah loved the sound of Cooper’s voice and presence of her big brother which she showed by smiling ear to ear. You can tell that these two have a very special bond which I am sure melts their parent’s heart. Thank you so much Andy, Bethany, Cooper and Norah for letting me be a part of your morning! You are truly a beautiful loving family! Congrats to the new Four!
What a doll!!
I just LOVE how die hard the fans are in Denver. There are no such thing as band wagon fans in Denver!
Awww…Cooper is SO handsome. I love love love his hair do and his baby blues!
I absolutely LOVE these pictures of Cooper!